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Stainless steel terminal

Stainless steel terminalStainless steel terminals are available in different shapes to be used for all structures of steel wire ropes to be used to shape all kinds of mechanical structures like stair cases.

Stainless steel terminals are available on both 304 and 316 grades. Swage fork terminals, swage eye terminals and handrail terminals are some of the most common terminals.

Stainless steel swage eye terminals

Stainless steel swage eye terminals are types of stainless steel wire rope accessories that are designed to be connected on wire ropes one one side and to be linked to other types of ropes or stainless steel rigging اتصالات استیل سیم بکسل on the other end. Stainless steel swage eye terminals are produced in various sizes usually from 3 to 6 mm and follow the size of stainless steel wire rope since they cover around the end profile of wire ropes. both grades of stainless steel 304 and 316 are used to produce Stainless steel swage eye terminals and they both are resistant against humidity and when exposed to water but have different life time against higher corrosive materials.

Data Sheet
Stainless steel swage eye terminals

Stainless steel swage fork terminals

Stainless steel swage fork terminals are types of stainless steel wire rope accessories that are meant to be attached to the wire rope on one side to have a grip on one end of wire rope and they have a fork (socket) shaped end to be attached wire other wire rope accessories such as shackles, hooks, ropes and other types of stainless steel accessories سیم بکسل استیل. Stainless steel swage fork terminals are manufactured in various sizes and follow the size of stainless steel wire rope since they are used to fit covering the wire rope ends. Stainless steel swage fork terminals are available in both 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel but in most cased Grade 316 is preferred.

Data Sheet
Stainless steel swage fork terminals
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